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School Policies


BOOKS AND SUPPLIES: Textbooks and workbooks are furnished to students free of charge, but if a book is lost, misused or damaged beyond reasonable wear, the student will be billed for the damage or replacement of the book. The same is true for books checked out of the school library. Pencils, paper, and crayons will be provided by the school.

CANCELLATION OF SCHOOL AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION: School cancellation because of bad weather of or other emergencies will be announced over local radio/TV stations if possible. If the cancellation occurs after school begins, you will be notified according to the information given on the Emergency Information sheet. You will be requested to come pick your child up at the school or another designated pick-up location. All children will remain at school or another designated safe location until they are picked up.

Emergency Information: Be sure the school has current phone numbers where you or a specified adult can be reached. Contact the school immediately if any of the information needs to be changed or updated. In the event of severe weather conditions or any emergency on a county-wide basis, an announcement will be made over the following AM radio stations: KLO 1430, KSL 1160.

We have written emergency preparedness plans for numerous possibilities that outline what will take place in the event of an emergency situation. Plans are reviewed with the faculty and staff on a monthly basis.

Weber School District has a phone system in place to help contact parents in the case of a school closure. In the event of an emergency at school, students will remain under teacher supervision until a person listed on the emergency information is available to pick them up.

CHECKOUT: If your child needs to leave school during the day, you must come to the main office first and check your child out. For your child's safety, the teacher will not release a child to anyone who has not signed him/her out at the office. Office personnel will not release a child to anyone not listed on the card filed in the office, unless we are notified by you ahead of time. No student will be allowed to leave the school during school hours without following these procedures. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO WALK HOME DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. STUDENTS WILL ONLY BE CHECKED OUT TO A LEGAL GUARDIAN OR PERSON DESIGNATED ON THE SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM.

CLASSROOM TREATS: As per directive from the Weber-Morgan Health Department, home-prepared or home-grown foods may not be sent to school as treats for others. Candy and gum are not allowed except on special occasions with the permission of the teacher.

FIELD TRIPS: Your child will bring home a permission form giving the destination and date of any field trips. This form must be signed and returned to the teacher in order for your student to go on the field trip. Students riding the school bus to the field trip should return to school on the bus.

FOOD ALLERGIES: Parents are responsible to give the school office a copy of the doctor's verification of any student's food allergies. This information will be shared with the kitchen and kept on file in the office.

ILLNESS OR ACCIDENT: If your child becomes ill or is seriously injured, we will make him/her as comfortable as possible and then call you immediately. If you cannot be reached we will attempt to contact the emergency number that you listed on your emergency information sheet. Every student must have an emergency number listed. It is important to notify the school of any change of phone number, address, emergency number or place of employment so that we are able to reach you if there is an emergency.

LOST AND FOUND: All coats, jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, etc., should be labeled with your child's name. You are welcome to check the lost and found any time.

MEDICATION: Students may not self-administer medications except for asthma inhalers or insulin. These may be administered by the student if parents and the medical provider sign and return forms to self-administer inhalers and insulin. All other medication, including aspirin, cannot be taken at school except when arrangements have been made with office personnel. A signed authorization form must be filled out and signed by the doctor, including time, date, dosage, name of medication, method of administration and a statement of necessity.

PERSONAL PROPERTY: Personal belongings and expensive items should remain at home except when special arrangements have been made. The school will not be responsible for damage or theft of personal items brought to school. Toys, electronic games, lasers, CD players, or any other items which will interfere with learning or are a safety hazard should not be brought to school unless teacher permission has been given for a specific activity. (see attached Digital Media Device Policy) Absolutely no items are to be brought to school that resemble or could be used as a weapon. (See attached Safe School Policy.)

PHONE USE: Phones are for school business and may be used by students only for emergencies and illness. Delivering phone messages at the end of the school day is very difficult and distracting. Please make arrangements and conduct family business before and after school. Teachers and other staff members will issue phone passes when needed. Students must get permission and a pass from their teacher to use the phone. Students will be allowed to use the telephone without a pass after 3:30 p.m. to contact parents. This allows the phone lines to remain open for parents to call and also makes allowances for any rides that are running a little late. The use of cell phones during school is not allowed. (Please see Digital Media Device Policy)

RECESS: Students are given outside recess whenever possible. Decisions to have indoor recess are based on temperatures and wind chill factor. Always dress your child under the assumption they will have outside recess.

SAFETY: Walkers and bikers should follow all traffic and pedestrian safety rules. We discourage students from riding bicycles to school, but if they do, bikes should be parked and locked up in designated areas promptly and left until school is over. The school assumes no responsibility for bicycles. Skateboards, rollerblades, inline skates and roller shoes are not allowed on school grounds. Contact sports are not allowed. This includes tackling, pushing, grabbing or tripping. In addition, hard balls and bats are never allowed at school without teacher permission and supervision.

SENDING MONEY TO SCHOOL: When you send money with your child, please put it in an envelope, seal it and write the following on the outside: child's name, homeroom teacher, grade, amount and purpose.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM HOME TO SCHOOL: When it is necessary for a child to deviate from his/her normal routine, a note from the parents should be presented to the teacher. These changes include staying after school for a special event, not participating in recess, riding or walking to an address other than his/her own or being picked up by someone other than the parent.

VISITORS: H. Guy Child Elementary is a great place to be. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit, eat lunch and volunteer at our school. For the safety of the children, visitors are asked to report to the office. We do ask, however, that you check in at the office. Student visitors are not allowed to come to school with other students.

DISCIPLINE AND RULES: It is the shared responsibility of the home, school and community to help our students learn to be responsible citizens. Good discipline is maintained by recognizing and praising good behavior and taking corrective action when necessary. One of our goals is to teach students to behave in an appropriate manner and to take responsibility for their actions. This responsibility is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people.

Code of Conduct- Rules/Procedures: H. Guy Child has two codes of conduct (rules) for students to learn in order to ensure each students' success and safety. Please discuss each of these items with your student.
1. Follow directions the first time given.
2. Keep hands, feet, mouth and objects to yourself. Body in control.

 School-wide Procedures

Before School Procedures
•Arrive at school after 8:00 a.m.
•Wait outside until breakfast begins at 8:15.
•Walk, single file with arms and feet to yourself.
•When finished with breakfast, clean up your area and go outside through lunchroom doors.
•Line up outside when 1st bell rings at 8:35.

 Bus Procedures: S. A. F. E.

•Sit on Pockets
•Appropriate Voice
•Face Forward
•Everyone on the same team

 Office/Phone Procedures: P.A.S.S.

•Phones should be used only in case of emergency
•Always have a pass
•Stay behind the counter

 Lunchroom Procedures C.H.E.W.

•Control Body
•Have Respect
•Everyone Cleans Up

 Playground/Recess Procedures

•Control body
•Share and Fair
•Quick and Quiet
•Assigned Area
oWinter Playground:
Snowball throwing and sliding on hills is not allowed.

 Bathroom Procedures Shhhhhhh!


 Hallway Procedures

•Walk to the Right
•Body and Eyes Face Forward
•Voices off.

 Assembly Procedures: C. L.A.P.

•Control body
•Appropriate responses

Library Procedures

•Return Books
•Everyone quiet
•All reading
•Directions Followed

 Students will learn that with choice there is accountability and consequences. Good choices will be rewarded with opportunities that reinforce appropriate choices. Poor choices will result in consequences designed to help students realize they are responsible for their choices. Teachers have procedures, rules, rewards, and consequences specific to their classrooms. These will be explained to students and parents through a disclosure statement. Chronic or severe misbehavior will be handled in the office by the Principal.