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TSSA Plan 2020-2021

H. Guy Child Elementary

Teacher and Student Success Plan


Principal Janene Salt


Goal # 1 

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement Goal #1: 

The goal for reading is to have students in grades K-3 make 60% typical or above growth on Pathways to Progress and 80% of our students in grades 4-6 score at benchmark (composite) in reading by the end of the year, as measured by DIBELS. 

Goal #1 Action Steps 

The school will identify our student needs using data gathered through the DIBELS assessment. The data will be used to screen and progress monitor students so teachers can plan for effective interventions and to adjust instructional groupings. 

An aide will be hired to provide interventions to individuals and small groups of at-risk readers and assist with DIBELS. ($9,157) 

Teachers will also be involved with professional development planned and directed by our CLT (Collaborative Leadership Team). Professional development will be delivered during faculty meetings, early-out and professional development days. 

In addition, we will increase the hours of our part-time counselor from 20 hours a week to 24 hours per ($11,743), hire a counseling aide ($7,166) and a part-time mental health specialist to help support the academic reading goal. All three will work with students on improving their academic performance using screening data from Panorama Education. The counselor and counseling aide will also work with families to improve attendance. Attendance is critical in order for students to be successful.

Goal #1 Expenditure Category 

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.) 

❏ School personnel stipends 

❏ Professional learning 

✓ Additional school employees 

✓ Social and emotional learning support 

❏ College and career readiness skills 

❏ Student leadership development 

✓ Technology 

❏ Before – or after – school programs 

❏ Community support programs or partnerships 

❏ Early childhood education 

❏ Class size reduction strategies 

❏ Other 

Fill in here for other 

Goal # 1 Measures of Success 

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured. 

We will use the DIBELS Benchmark scores and progress monitoring scores to determine if students are making progress towards our school reading goal. 

Goal #2 

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement. Goal #2 

Math proficiency rates will increase by at least 5 percentage points in each grade on the end of year 2021 assessment in comparison to 2019 RISE assessment. The goal for students in the lower grades is for 80% of the students to be proficient (at least 80% correct) on a grade-level common assessment. 

Goal #2 Action Steps 

A math support paraprofessional will work with individual and small groups of students in math instruction in grades K-6. The aide will also assist with management of the data. The math aide will work closely with both regular education and special education teachers as needed. ($9,470)

Teachers will use RISE benchmark tests along with grade-level assessments to identify students who need additional support. 

Goal #2 Expenditure Areas 

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.) 

❏ School personnel stipends 

❏ Professional learning 

✓ Additional school employees 

❏ Social and emotional learning support 

❏ College and career readiness skills 

❏ Student leadership development 

❏ Technology 

❏ Before – or after – school programs 

❏ Community support programs or partnerships 

❏ Early childhood education 

❏ Class size reduction strategies 

❏ Other 

Fill in here for other 

Goal # 2 Measures of Success: 

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured. 

Student progress in mathematics will be measured using end of year assessments. Progress measured in grades k-2 from grade level common assessments. Students below proficiency will receive math interventions.

 TSSA Budget 2020

Signature : Janene Salt Date : 6-22-2020