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Dress Code Policy


STUDENT APPEARANCE: Students at H. Guy Child are expected to dress appropriately for school. Tank tops, short shorts, short skirts, baggy clothing and shirts that show the midsection are not appropriate. Please see that your child's clothing is modest, clean, neat and appropriate for weather conditions. Clothing should provide adequate protection and comfort for the many, varied activities during the school day. Hats are not appropriate school wear. Hair color and style should be appropriate for school and not cause a disturbance to the student or class.

Students should act and dress appropriately so that they do not distract from the learning environment. The rules listed below need to be followed:

1.Clothing not ordinarily worn in the workplace may not be worn at school (i.e., robes, pajamas, house slippers, mutilated clothing, etc.)

2.Shirts and tops may not have bare midriffs or be revealing at the neck, stomach and/or armholes. Tank tops, athletic undershirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps and bare midriffs are not allowed at school.

3.Clothing cannot display obscene, vulgar or lewd words, messages or pictures.

4.Clothing that advertises controlled substances such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco or breweries or which is otherwise plainly offensive may not be worn.

5.Shorts, shirts or dresses must be below the mid thigh.

6.Underwear may not be worn outside of or on top of clothing or where it is exposed or can be seen. Underwear should not be visible.

7.Clothing attachments or accessories that could be considered unsafe, distracting or disruptive to the educational process are not allowed.

8.Shoes must be worn at all times.

9.Hats are not to be worn in the building.

10.Apparel or accessories with gang symbols, monikers, insignias or other gang identifiers are not permitted.

11.Tops that reveal the sides of the body are inappropriate. This includes ribbed white undershirts, tank tops and muscle shirts.

12.Hair and makeup that is disruptive or interferes with the learning atmosphere will not be allowed.